📚 «Tashvish Qilishni To‘xtatib, Yashashni Boshlash» – Deyl Karnegi tomonidan yaratilgan.
🔍 This book helps people to control their thoughts, find joys and worries in life, achieve success and pave the way to a pleasant and fulfilling life. Dale Carnegie shares interesting tips, experiences, and inspiration on how to manage anxiety and create a fulfilling life.
📖 Kitob haqida qisqacha: «Tashvish Qilishni To‘xtatib, Yashashni Boshlash» odamlarga hayotga zavqliroq qarash, muvaffaqiyatga erishish, xayotdagi tashvishlarni qanday boshqarish va xursandliklarni qanday topish haqida maslahatlar va ilhomlarni taqdim etadi.
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