«The Philosophy of Psychology» nomli kitob, William James tomonidan yozilgan va fikr-falsafa va psixologiya sohasidagi eng asosiy mavzularni o’rganishga bag’ishlangan. Bu kitobda, psixologiya fanining fikr-falsafa asoslari, ma’nosi va tushunchalari to’g’risida o’qituvchilar va tadqiqotchilar uchun ko’plab fikrlar va nazariyalar ko’rsatiladi.
James helps to find answers to the most important questions in the field of psychology and philosophy of thought. It shows the problems related to fantasy and religious thought, the relationship between human development and spirituality, freedom and freedom, fantasy and reality.
This book is a good introduction to many disciplines in psychology, philosophy, and enlightenment, and will be useful for teachers, researchers, and academics. James's theories and methods of study help to understand the independent changes in the field of human culture and psychology.
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