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101 Activities For Teaching Creativity And Problem Solving

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The book 101 Activities For Teaching Creativity And Problem Solving, written by Arthur B. VanGundy, is designed to help students develop creativity and problem solving skills in their education. This book provides 101 hands-on activities, games, and concepts to help you develop creativity and problem solving.

In the book, VanGundy shares her unique experiences that help readers develop the skills and tools to solve problems and find new approaches. Each activity in the book works as both a teacher's guide and an interactive and advanced learning tool for students.

101 Activities For Teaching Creativity And Problem Solving makes learning easy and serious, and inspires students to develop their creativity and problem solving skills. This book is an essential guide for teachers, administrators, and coaches as it helps students develop confident, critical thinking, and counseling skills.

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Acknowledgments xi
Getting Started 1
Chapter 1: Creativity and Problem Solving 3
Why Use Creativity Techniques? 4
Generating Creative Ideas 4
Creativity Training in Organizations 4
A Typology of Idea Generation Activities 5
Chapter 2: Six Key Principles for Encouraging Creativity 11
1. Separate Idea Generation from Evaluation 12
2. Test Assumptions 15
3. Avoid Patterned Thinking 14
4. Create New Perspectives 16
5. Minimize Negative Thinking 17
6. Take Prudent Risks 18
Chapter 3: Linking Problems, Solutions, and Activities 21
Defining Problems 21
Problem Solving 23
Creativity and Serendipity 23
A Few of My Favorite Activities 24
A Guide for Selecting Activities 26
How to Evaluate and Select Ideas in a Group 29
Getting Ready: Different Uses Warm-Up Exercise 30
Activity Selection Guide 32
Individual and Group Activities 37
Chapter 4: Basic Idea Generation:“No Brainers” 39
1. Bend It, Shape It 40
2. Brain Borrow 44
3. Copy Cat 47
4. Dead Head Deadline 50
5. Get Crazy 52
6. Idea Diary 55
7. Mental Breakdown 57
8. Music Mania 61
9. Name Change 65
10. Stereotype 68
11. Switcheroo 71
12. Wake-Up Call 73
Chapter 5: Ticklers: Related and Unrelated Stimuli 77
13. Excerpt Excitation 79
14. Idea Shopping 84
15. A Likely Story 88
16. PICLed Brains 92
17. Picture Tickler 97
18. Rorschach Revisionist 101
19. Say What? 105
20. Text Tickler 111
21. Tickler Things 115
Chapter 6: Combinations 119
22. Bi-Wordal 120
23. Circle of Opportunity 123
24. Combo Chatter 127
25. Ideas in a Box 130
26. Ideatoons 133
27. Mad Scientist 137
28. Noun Action 140
29. Noun Hounds 143
30. Parts Is Parts 146
31. Parts Purge 150
32. Preppy Thoughts 153
33. SAMM I Am 156
34. 666 159
35. Word Diamond 162
Chapter 7: Free Association Activities:“Blue Skies” 167
36. Brain Mapping 169
37. Doodles 173
38. Essence of the Problem 177
39. Exaggerate That 181
40. Fairy Tale Time 184
41. Idea Links 189
42. Imaginary Mentor 193
43. Lotus Blossom 196
44. Say Cheese 199
45. Sense Making 201
46. Skybridging 204
47. Tabloid Tales 207
48. We Have Met the Problem and It Is We 211
49. What if . . . ? 214
Chapter 8: Grab Bag: Miscellaneous Activities 217
Backward Activities
50. Law Breaker 218
51. Problem Reversals 221
52. Turn Around 225
Just Alike Only Different Activities
53. Bionic Ideas 229
54. Chain Alike 234
55. I Like It Like That 238
56. What Is It? 241
Group Only Activities 245
Chapter 9: Brainstorming with Related Stimuli 247
57. Be #1 249
58. Blender 252
59. Drawing Room 255
60. Get Real!! 258
61. Idea Showers 261
62. Modular Brainstorming 264
63. Pass the Hat 268
64. Phillips 66 272
65. Play by Play 274
66. Rice Storm 278
67. Spin the Bottle 282
68. Story Boards 284
69. That’s the Ticket! 287
70. What’s the Problem? 290
Chapter 10: Brainstorming with Unrelated Stimuli 295
71. Battle of the Sexes 296
72. Best of. . . 299
73. Brain Splitter 302
74. Force-Fit Game 306
75. Grab Bag Forced Association 309
76. It’s Not My Job 311
77. Rolestorming 314
78. Roll Call 317
79. Sculptures 321
80. Super Heroes 325
Chapter 11: Brainwriting with Related Stimuli 329
81. As Easy As 6–3–5 330
82. Brain Purge 333
83. Group Not 335
84. Idea Mixer 338
85. Idea Pool 340
86. Museum Madness 342
87. Organizational Brainstorms 344
88. Out-of-the-Blue Lightning Bolt Cloudbuster 346
89. You’re a Card, Andy! 348
90. Your Slip Is Showing 351
Chapter 12: Brainwriting with Unrelated Stimuli 355
91. Altered States 356
92. Balloon, Balloon, Balloon 360
93. Bouncing Ball 364
94. Brainsketching 366
95. Doodlin’ Around the Block 369
96. Greeting Cards 372
97. The Name Game 376
98. Pass the Buck 379
99. Post It, Pardner! 382
100. Puzzle Pieces 385
101. The Shirt Off Your Back 387
References 389
About the Author 391
Pfeiffer Publications Guide 393


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