📚 «5-sinf Adabiyot Darsligi» pdf 2015-yil 2-qism
🔍 This textbook introduces students to Uzbek literature, the history of literary languages, the life and work of poets and writers, types of works, poetic events, the place and importance of proverbs and verbs in society, calculating the time of creation, different types of works and the works created in them. provides information about monuments.
📖 Darslik haqida qisqacha: 2015-yil 2-qism «5-sinf Adabiyot Darsligi» o‘quvchilarga o‘zbek adabiyoti, shoiriy tadbirlar, asar turlari, maqol va fe’lning jamiyatdagi o‘rni va ahamiyati, yaratilgan vaqtni hisoblash, turli turlardagi asarlar va ulardagi yaratilgan yodgorliklar to‘g‘risidagi ma’lumotlarni beradi.
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