The pleasure of self-realization or the book that will change you - You have been following the books on the human personality, spiritual world, the formation of social relations and the relationship to existence in general, prepared on the basis of the scientific recommendations and life experiences of world-famous thinkers, sages and psychologists.
Therefore, every person reaches a certain age and after recognizing his mind, he feels the need to take a look at his feelings, way of thinking, relationships with the people around him, his family and relatives.
Amaliyotchi psixolog Shavkat Razzoqovning «O‘zlikni anglash zavqi yohud Sizni o‘zgartiradigan kitob» nomli ushbu kitobi Siz azizlarga o‘z-o‘zingizni, aniqrog‘i o‘zligingizni tanib olishingizda beg‘araz ko‘makchi va dasturulamal bo‘ladi, degan umiddamiz.
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